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Tag Archives: Slumdog

Hullo Folks,


Rubina Ali, the famous child star from the Oscar-winning movie SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, escaped a major human-trafficking bid when her father, Rafiq Qureshi offered to sell her for about $300,000 to British reporters, posing undercover as Sheikhs based in Dubai. The incident has sparked a frenzy of sorts in the international media. The report comes right after Rubina,9, had been approached by a major US magazine for a photoshoot, offering her a major sum.


Qureshi had been, reportedly, contemplating this move since the movie’s unanticipated success and was entertaining similar offers from other parties as well.He even raised his asking price post the film’s stupendous success. Though having denied all allegations about the incident initially, Qureshi later confessed to fielding numerous lucrative deals pertaining to the sale of his star-daughter.

Oscars Arrivals

The father of three says the move was planned for the betterment of his darling daughter’s future prospects. It may, however, be noted that Danny Boyle, the movie’s director, had provided apartments to Ali and her co-star, Azharuddin in the Mumbai suburbs; besides setting up a trust fund to sponsor their future education.


The incident comes as a total shocker to the entertainment industry that dismissed the story as ‘completely fabricated’. Ali, who played the younger avatar of Latika, the female protagonist in the movie, was completely unaware of the whole fiasco as she cheerfully chatted and joked with the undercover reporters. Though a case has been filed against Qureshi on charges of human trafficking, what remains to be seen is the nature of punishment awarded to him, providing he is the sole caretaker of his daughter. In wake of the incident, several protest campaigns have been launched throughout the country. But, the question that remains to be answered is- are thy really worth it? Watch this space for the next update