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Tag Archives: UFO sightings

UFO – sightings…. A myth or sheer reality….


We all have grown up nursing our very own notions about the paranormal. And herein, UFO’s have so taken the cake for the sheer interest and hysteria they evoke every time any news pertaining to them is flashed out. So what exactly is the issue with mankind with these UFOs (unbelievingly freaky objects). Why are we still so stuck up with this weird concept? Are ET’s actually for real???!!!???


Till now I personally used to doubt the very existence of such a horrendous perception. But recent internet reports seem to have made a dent on my mind’s so logic-oriented workings. Coz now, I have really started to ponder and question mankind’s stance on the existence of life beyond our homely planet. A remarkable observation I came across while researching for the umpteen UFO sightings is that the bulk of these sightings were in the United States of America or any of her allied or rather subordinate nations… like Poland, Iraq, Argentina, Brazil, etc. etc.


It might actually be quite interesting to note that the latest dope doing the cyber rounds is the latest ‘splay foot’ shaped E.T. vessel that’s been sighted somewhere around Warsaw. While witnesses have remarked about the peculiarity of the shape and design of this one (which has always been the case, anyways!), official authorities have tried to cover up the entire episode by questioning the credibility of the source.

All in all, the perennially unanswered question still holds fort… are ET’s for real?,?,?,?

And for that matter, is MIB a real organization. Well if it is, it might not be long before we say goodbye to Michael Jackson, coz he’d be going to his home then!!!

Watch this space for the next big dope on life beyond earth!